We deliver seven days a week, Monday to Sunday. You can easily select your preferred delivery date during checkout.
To ensure your order arrives at its peak freshness, we prioritise morning deliveries between 7 AM and 3 PM. While we are unable to guarantee a specific time slot, we aim to deliver your order as early as possible.
We hand-deliver wedding cakes to ensure they arrive safely and on time. Please place your order at least one week in advance, preferably two weeks, to allow us to accommodate all your requests. The delivery fee ranges from £45 to £95. You will see the exact delivery cost for your wedding order on the checkout page. Yes, we have a minimum order value of £25 for delivery orders. However, there is no minimum order value for pickup orders. Feel free to visit us and pick up your order without any restrictions. Refunds or delivery date change can only take place within 24hours of the customer placing an order and this has to be communicated in writing via an email on our [email protected] email address. Thank you for your understanding!
We deliver to all London postcodes within M25.